Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Life After Pregnancy...Again

Well today my little girl is a month old. Can you believe it has already been that long? I know every new mom says that, but I sincerely cannot believe she has already been in my life that long...and yet I can't remember what it was like to NOT have her here!

With that said, I have a long road back to being fit. I am really out of shape (which was clearly shown when I attempted my 30 day shred video yesterday) and my body is pretty saggy and frumpy. I haven't weighed myself in some time, but here are the figures:

Pre-pregnancy: 152 (woo-hoo, I had lost 22 lbs!)

Pre-delivery: 196 (holy crap!)

Weigh in 3/2/2010 (2 weeks post partum, 2 weeks ago): 171 (yes that means I had already lost 25 lbs of the 44 I had gained)

Goal: 140

Before getting pregnant my size 10 jeans were too big and I was buying size 8 jeans (before Gracelynn I was wearing a size 8 easily, sometimes a size 6). I can now get into most of my size 10 jeans and while they are a little snug, they fit (button, zipper, the who she-bang). Obviously I still have a lot of extra skin and flub around the tummy region that will hopefully continue to go down.

I started the 30 day shred yesterday and intend to do that daily while I am still home with Shelby (4 more weeks). I am also trying to find time to make it to the gym. It is hard as I am the only source of food for Shelby at this time, but hope to get back into a routine in the next few weeks so it is on it's way to becoming a habit by the time I go back to work. I also have not been officially released to work out by my doctor so I am taking it easy when I do work out. I go on Friday the 19th for my checkup and hope to be released at that time.

I have also started wearing Shelby a lot as I do household tasks. This can't hurt the weight loss process and it keeps her close :)

Diet: Haven't really started cutting anything out as I am nursing. I drink LOTS of water, watch my portions at meals, and try to stick with healthy snacks in between (Yay for warmer weather and good fruit!). I know the diet portion will be easier once I am back to work...sitting around the house makes it easy to snack!!!

Ok ladies, here I go again. I will keep you posted.

Also, just so you know I have started a new personal blog. This is to replace the family blog we had previously (www.yrocks-squared.blogspot.com). You can now follow me at www.imperfectmadenew.blogspot.com. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Banishing No More

Well, I am sure some may have heard, but then again you never know. So I guess I should first announce that I will no longer be banishing baby weight, as I will now be putting it back on. Ben and I are pregnant again and due in February. I am just at the end of my first trimester, so we haven't made any formal announcements, but last week we went to the doctor, saw the little one and everything looks good so far.

So I am redirecting my focus. I can't be focused on the losing weight portion of this journey, but I am still focused on the healthy lifestyle. My hope it to continue working out throughout my pregnancy and to maintain a healthy diet. It hasn't been easy so far. As with Gracelynn, I have been pretty sick. And I am talking all day. Beyond that my exhaustion has been ridiculous. I have no idea how I did this when I was working full time AND in school with Gracelynn. But for the Grace of God...

Eating has been a challenge as well. I can't consume much meat at all right now. It makes my stomach flip flop just thinking about it and you don't want to know what happens when I actually eat it. So I have been eating a lot of carbs...eating I use loosely because most of it doesn't stay down. Despite these facts at my first appointment I had already gained!!! I was kind of disappointed by that fact.

With G I gained about 37 lbs and with this one I would love to only gain 30. I started about 10 lbs under where I started with G, and if I can keep up the exercise I hope to lose it a lot faster.

Well, I'll keep you updated on this new journey. All of the sickness, weight gain and exhaustion aside, we are VERY excited and can't wait to welcome our newest family member :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009


It's been a bad week for working out and dieting. We started a big home improvement project on Saturday...or deck. We completely removed our old 8x8 deck, tore it apart, cut and bundled the wood, placed new footings for our new deck, framed it all and had it up on it's legs...and that was just on Saturday alone. Since then, Ben has been working diligently in the evenings to attempt to get it done. Between that, regular household chores, work and then G, something had to give. Unfortunatley, it was going to the gym. While Ben is outside working on the deck, G can't be out there, so I spend all of the daylight hours every evening chasing her around until bed time. Then I crash.

It's not meant as an excuse and I know I will be back into it soon as I am already feeling icky. I don't think I've gained, but the lack of physical exercise and activity has left me feeling somewhat lethargic. It does beg the question..."Why didn't I get into this habit sooner?" Obviously, my body and mind feel so much better when I'm active. So my goal is to go back to the gym on Saturday morning. The deck is almost competlely done (save for the staining and railings...but that will come later). And life can return to normal...whatever that is.

Later, ladies!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Size Small, How Do I Love Thee...But Why???

Disclaimer: I understand that the initial purpose of these weight loss/accountability blogs was just that, to track the progress (and sometimes lack thereof) of our weight loss and to hold one another accountable. So I understand if some of you do not appreciate me waxing philosophical every once in a while. However, I am discovering as I change my outside it is bringing a lot about myself to light, and I am doing just as much, if not more, changing on the inside. So...there :) If you don't care to hear my ramblings, my "weekly results" are at the bottom of this post.

I am not naturally a small girl. I was wearing a C-cup in the 8th grade and was born with hips, thighs and booty (thanks genetics!). I have to WORK IT, to see progress and then WORK IT to maintain what I accomplish. It can get tiring, and at times there is this little voice in my head that says "Maybe God meant for you to be a size 12+/large". Ok...I don't REALLY think God intended for anyone to be a particular size, and I KNOW God didn't intend for me to eat a whole bag of chips and drink a whole 2 liter of soda in a one hour sitting. Actually quite the opposite, God wants me to honor my body as a holy temple and to treat the temptation of overeating just as I would the temptation of other sins. In 1 Corinthians it states:
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body,"

YAY! So my weight loss and desire/goal to wear smaller clothes and look good in them is sanctioned by God...right?


God created us for him...to be a vessel of worship in everything we say, do...and put in our bodies. My entire purpose of being is to worship him, solely. Not to wear a size small, fit into a size 6 jean or to look good doing it. Do I want these things? I can't lie, yes, I do. I long to pick up the smaller size when looking for a new top. Or to put on my jeans and my rear look great. I am after all working VERY hard to attain these things. Then God calls me back to his Word and reminds me of a very familiar verse:

Proverbs 31:30

Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain. But the woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised

So, how do I balance those two things? I want to honor God by keeping my body, His holy temple, clean and pure, and not fall prey to the temptation of laziness and gluttony. However, I don't want to cross over and dishonor Him by assuming any of my recent success has been my doing or to misplace my goal on what little letter or number is on the tag in my clothes. How???

Sorry ladies, I don't have an answer. That is, except to pray continuously. To continue to seek His will. And finally to attempt to worship Him in ALL I do, say...and yes, even eat :)

So, with that I pray:

God, help me to remember the reason I started this journey. First, to honor you. And second, to be a better mommy and wife to my family. Help me keep that in my sights when I become distracted by numbers on the scale, letters on my clothing tags and the number of calories I put in my face. I want to always strive to honor you with my whole being...and to worship you in everything I do.
Also, Lord, help me to remember that without your grace and without the strength you give me, I would not be able to accomplish any of this. I wouldn't have lost a single pound, if it weren't for you giving me the drive, will power and strength to take the first step. Well, if we break it down even more, I couldn't do this if you hadn't simply breathed life into me. For that, I praise you for making this and so many other things in my life possible.
Please give me the strength to continue on this journey, and help me to remember that without you...I'd be nothing.

In your amazing name,

So, how did I do this week???

Workouts have been great, and I feel so much stronger this week for some reason. I also feel that I look stronger, especially in my arms and upper body. I do have to go to the doctor to get my wrist checked out. I have what looks like a bone spur (self diagnosis). It is on the end of my arm where it means my hand and makes it very difficult to do any type of weight lifting and impossible to do my push-ups. I have found modified ways of working out my upper body, but I need to get to the doctor to get it checked out. It reminds me I am getting older :)

I haven't lost much, but I know full well these last 10 pounds or so will be the hardest to get off.

Weight 5/1/2009: 155
Total weight loss: 22 lbs
(Original weight goal: 147, Modified weight loss goal: 140 lbs)

So I'm getting there. I would love to hit my original goal by August of this year. I don't know if my modified goal is really realistic considering eventually we will want to have another kid. That may come first...who knows.

Hope you guys have a great weekend!

Monday, April 20, 2009

I Have an Athletic Supporter


I couldn't resist.

Seriously, though, I do! Ben is the absolute, most amazing motivator on the face of the planet. I just have to say thank you to him. He encourages me when I am working out at home, he tells me how great I look, he PUSHES me to go buy clothes that will make me feel good and for the first time the other day he said I looked HOT. I have gotten beautiful, pretty, gorgeous, wonderful, etc...but there is something about your hubby telling you that you are HOT.

Then the other day, he took his athletic support (tee hee) to another level. Friday night we were going out for dinner and a movie and we had some time between the two events. He suggested we go kill some time at...drum roll please...Best Buy. *sigh* Every girls dream, right? But we start walking through and I realize he is walking with purpose, not just meandering through the televisions and video games like he typically does. We finally end in the MP3/IPod section. He takes me directly to the IPod Nano and tells me that he is so proud of what I have accomplished so far and that he wants me to have an IPod to listen to while I am working out...both to remind me of what I have already done and to encourage me to keep going. He also said that he knew I had wanted one for a long time, but because of the cost knew it was never something I would just get for myself. So, I got to pick out my favorite color (green) and that night when we got home he put the songs already on my computer onto the IPod. I have already used it a ton and LOVE it! Next I need to get an IPod arm thingy so I can hang with the cool kids at the gym. :)

On to weight loss for the week. After Easter weekend I actually wasn't as far off as I thought I would be. I hadn't gained...so YAY! for maintaining!

Weight 4/18/2009: 155.5
Total weight loss: 21.5 lbs!!!

I did go shopping this weekend too. I absolutely had to get new pants more than anything. Sunday morning I got up for church and couldn't find pants that didn't look like they were about to fall off my bum...or worse DID fall off my bum. To make matters worse I was singing at our new church for the first time EVER, and didn't want to look like a complete slob. So Sunday afternoon I went to the mall and got two new pairs of dress pants, a pair of capris, and pair of jeans...and a new top (in a Small!). When I returned home I cleaned out my closet and donated my clothing...no going back now! Some of the pants were 10's and a couple were 8's. I would say I am somewhere in between those two sizes right now, but honestly I don't care about the number right now. It is exciting to be able to drop a size, but those sizes can be so subjective (like I said, same shopping trip, three stores, two different sizes) that I am more concerned about how I feel and how I look than with the number.

Ah, I almost forgot. Teniah asked about training for the 5K. It is going well. Just tonight I did 3.25 miles in about 33 minutes! And now that it is nice consistently I am running some outside. My knees are a little cranky with me, so when I hit the asphalt I have to take it a little easier than on the treadmill or elliptical, but either way it just feels good to be able to go 3 miles at all...without dying that is :)

Ok, ladies, I still have my crunches, push ups and a little television before I can call it a night. Adios!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thank You

It is an epidemic. Without fail we (and I am speaking generally) are never satisfied. We may always want that bigger house, that faster car or that higher paying job. Or as with me, always wanting to change something about their body. I will be the first to say that I often don't take time to celebrate the small milestones and even when I meet a goal, I just set another goal for myself. At times this is what keeps me driven, and then at other times it is so discouraging. I stopped myself the other day as I was looking in the mirror wishing my stomach was flatter, my arms were leaner and my thighs were...well just smaller :) I thought to myself 'I have lost 20 lbs, and all of these body parts are small - as evidenced by my clothes.' And yet, I find no satisfaction in that. Why? When will I be satisfied? How much do I need to lose? What size do I have to be in? And then this came to me:

Thank You

Thank you Lord for my arms
Not for the way they look in a sleeveless shirt or the weight of the dumbbell they can lift
But rather for the ability to wrap my arms around those that I love the most

Thank you Lord for my breast
Not for the way they fill out a shirt or how they have changed with age
But rather for the amazing purpose you gave me to provide nutrients to my newborn baby

Thank you Lord for my stomach
Not for the ripple of my abdominals or for the number of crunches I can complete
But rather for the ordinary miracle you allowed me to be a part of in the birth of my daughter

Thank you Lord for my hips
Not for the curve that gives me a womanly shape or for the number of inches I can lose
But rather for the perfect place to prop my baby while completing a dozen other tasks

Thank you Lord for my thighs
Not for the circumference around each or the number of miles I can run
But rather for the strength to get up every morning and do Your work

Bottom line - being healthy and in shape is important and I believe it is a personal goal that God is helping me reach. However, He is helping me reach this goal not for the number on the scale or for the size of jeans I can squeeze in to, but rather to provide a wonderful home to my family and to do the work He has called me to do.

This week has been a weird week weightloss-wise. I got in a total of 7 workouts this week (4 days with the video and 3 days at the gym), but then being out of town for Easter weekend I ate foods I would normally not eat...and a lot more of it than I would normally eat. To say the least, I feel as if any progress I would have made was wasted on the fabulous gourmet potatoes, ham, green bean casserole, pancakes, hamburgers, muffins, and apple pie I had while at my in-laws this weekend. It was great...but I am a little afraid of the scale right now. Since we were out of town, I didn't get to do my normal weigh in on Saturday. We'll see what happens this week.

Later ladies!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Man..I am on a blogging roll. I just had this picture sent to me through our office email. This is a picture of our team taken on 1/9/2009. I started my diet/workouts on 1/5/2009, so this was shortly after that. This is the closest to a "before" picture that I'll get. So what do you think? Can you tell?