Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Ok...I'm back.

I let myself fall REALLY far off the band wagon, and now I am paying for it.

I am back to the gym 4 days a week at this point. I joined a new gym that is only a mile from my home instead of nearly 15 miles. I like it so far, but have only really used the cardio machines. It is also super crowded all the time since it's right after the new year. Hopefully the crowds will thin as people forget their New Year's Resolution (but not me...haha). I am also doing strength training at home with a video Monday through Friday. Through our cable provider they have Exercise TV on demand. I can watch my choice of 40-50 videos! It is awesome. I went and got an exercise mat and some weights to get started on this.

I am also back on the diet. I am not counting calories because of my own personal obsession with it, but I am cutting way back. Here is a typical day of food:

Breakfast - Cereal w/ 1% milk
AM snack - Piece of fruit
Lunch - Lean Cuisine meal
Dinner - meal w/ family using portion control
PM snack - 1/2 cup of slow-churned reduced fat ice cream, piece of fruit, etc.

If I get hungry in the afternoon I will throw in a 90 calorie rice cake pack. They are good and just enough to get you through.

I have also given up all soda and caffienated beverages (bye, bye hoo). This is in an effort to detox my body. I will most likely reintroduce caffiene when I feel I can handle it, but for now it is water only!

So yes, I am paying for it. My legs are like Jell-O. I have done some great strength training and cardio workouts, but boy-howdy do I feel it. I am using muscles that haven't been used in a while and my body is screaming in protest. Walking is interesting right now.

My body is also adjusting to the change in my diet big time. I am reducing sugar, fat and caffiene and I can tell. My head throbs almost constantly and I constantly have visions of candy bars and Coke dance in my head. The fact that my husband can eat anything in sight and not gain an ounce only proves to torture me more.

I have a long road ahead of me, but I am surprisingly excited about it. I am hoping with a change in lifestyle I will feel better all around. I am excited for this summer. Gracelynn gets more and more active by the day, and I want to be a mom that can keep up with her. I'll keep ya posted!

1 comment:

Teniah Ashlyn said...

Welcome back! I'm so excited to see you girls back on the blogs!! It really encourages me to know that I'm not alone!! =)

Sounds like you have a wonderful plan and are doing great to start out and be faithful! The visions of candy bars and coke was cracking me up because I TOTALLY know what you mean!!! Me too......

Keep up the good work and keep posting!!